At The Athenian School, we are committed to developing teamwork, personal and community responsibility, self-reflection, compassion, and resilience in our students. Kurt Hahn’s philosophy that, “there is more in you than you know,” is a critical element of their success in life.
赌场捕鱼网投学生提高这些品质的一个机会是赌场捕鱼网投荒野体验(AWE). 在你大三的时候,你和你的一小群同学将探索高塞拉山脉或死亡谷沙漠的美丽和魅力. Working together to navigate off-trail terrain, cook group meals, rock climb, and set up camp, 我们希望你能体会到技术带来的自由, routine, homework, 和其他责任,同时学习如何照顾自己, collaborate, problem-solve, empathize, and believe in yourself and others. Twice a year, AWE参与者的正能量为校园注入了新的活力, enthusiasm, wonder, self-awareness, and openness. 我们邀请您参加他们冒险的仪式结束,亲眼目睹敬畏的变革体验. 查看学校日历在3月和8月的“磨合”细节.